The artist is Karazin
The picture refers to a series of thirty canvases on topics from the life of Peter the Great, which were written on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emperor in 1872 and were exhibited on the Tsaritsyn Luga (Marse Field). There is no restoration. More about the series >>>
Video film about the picture from the project "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great" (2022)
Having decided to comprehend the military sciences from his youth, Peter composed two regiments of his peers – children of close boyars and palace ministers. The regiments received names by the name of the surrounding villages and were called Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky. Interest in teachings carried young warriors. new so much that they marched all day under the command of the king, calling their classes in honor of the god of war-“Mars of the Mars of the Faces”, dressed and armed along the model of foreign regular armies, the amusing regiments resembled a new, in a European-trained military unit. In the fall of 1683, on the right bank of Yauza, in 200 fathoms from the old Preobrazhensky Palace, the construction of the Fortresses – a funny town began. Captain Fedor Zommer, Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn, boyar Peter Vasilievich Sheremetev and Peter I himself took part in the development of the plan. To understand the design process, the king studied German publications of the corresponding subject. Peter personally participated in the construction under the leadership of Franz Timmerman.
The workpiece of materials and excavation was assigned to the peasants of the Moscow district, and the construction continued until 1689. In the plan, the fortress, called “Presburg” (“Preshpurkh”), was a rectangle, its earthen walls were strengthened by oak piles and surrounded by a log fence, and a roundabout was dug in a circle. Soon in Preobrazhenskoye in the “Stolny town” began to import weapons for the garrison of the fortress and materials for decoration of premises – Persian carpets, military reinforcement and banners. Three barns were built under the walls of the fortress – a gun, funny and sovereign small treasury, a stable, sheds, awnings, cellars. When the maneuvers began, the funny were divided into two parts and alternately defended and attacked the fortress, using guns. Subsequently, demonstrations of the fortress were arranged by Peter I every summer.
In the picture against the backdrop of the earthen fortress of Presburg, a young Peter is depicted on a white horse, commanding funny shelves dressed in his first military uniform.
Elena Kalnitskaya // 30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great. SPb, 2022. With. 130