The artist is Bocharov
The picture refers to a series of thirty canvases on topics from the life of Peter the Great, which were written on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emperor in 1872 and were exhibited on the Tsaritsyn Luga (Marse Field). There is no restoration. More about the series >>>
Video film about the picture from the project "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great" (2022)
In 1697, a diplomatic mission – a great embassy of 250 people went on a trip to European countries. The king hoped that the impressions received on the way would give them a new understanding of the world and teach a lot. Peter himself was driving as part of the team as a volunteer, as the “scorer of the Preobrazhensky regiment Peter Mikhailov”. Among the priority outlined for visiting countries, Holland was given to Holland in the second half of the hup of the century, it took first place in trade with Russia and attracted Peter more than others.
In Holland, the king dreamed of comprehending the basics of shipbuilding, and in a small town there were many shipbuilders familiar to the king in Moscow. Now he was to work next to them at a ship shipyard, where he wanted to master Plotniki science. At the same time, Peter met the life of ordinary people, examined factories, mills and workshops. Soon the king’s mission ceased to be a secret, and numerous local residents came to see him. This began to annoy Peter, interfere with his plans, and on a small sailing ship he left Zaandam.
Having moved to Amsterdam, he participated in the construction of the plane frigate “The Holy Apostles Peter and Pavel” from the very beginning of the construction. Peter received the concept of shipbuilding, learned to draw the plans of the ships, but he wanted to study the science of shipbuilding thoroughly: the geometry of ships, proportions, drawings and much more. The Dutch theory was absent: it was replaced by many years of practice and dexterity. However, Peter, who wanted to do everything in science, went to England to acquire theoretical knowledge.
The picture depicts a ship’s shipyard in Amsterdam, on which Peter works. Master of the East India Company Herrit Klaas Paul in an elegant caftan instructs the king and his comrades. At the end of his work, the king received a certificate from his hands, which stated that “Peter Mikhailov acted as a good and skilled carpenter” * and took possession of all the necessary skills. The patent of the ship’s carpenter was the first in Russia certificate of marine education.
Elena Kalnitskaya // 30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great. SPb, 2022. With. 132