The artist is Korzukhin
September 25, 1824 Alexander I visited Yekaterinburg. As the newspapers of that time wrote, he entered the city “accompanied by joyful exclamations of the admiring people”. For a three-day stay in the Urals, the emperor examined, in particular, the exemplary Verkh-Isetsky factory and his hospital, which was extremely pleased with.
Korzukhin made a picture by order of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for the centenary of Alexander I. The artist born in the family of the Ural mining peasants was well acquainted with the factory life, which was reflected in the artistic decision of the plot. The emperor, depicted among the retinue, merchants and workers, is going to deliver a ritual blow with a hammer on a molten piece of metal and at the same time listens to the kneeling petitioner. The picture opens an industrial theme in Russian painting. (E. Sh.)
Electronic catalog “Heroes and villains of Russian history”. SPb, 2010. With. 254.