The artist is Pryanishnikov
Having heard about the spiritual exploits of an amazing hermit, other monks began to join Sergius, who hoped to find their mentor in it. Each of those who came to build a dwelling and cultivated the garden. Когда число братии возросло, Сергий был рукоположен в священники и назначен игуменом. The monastery charter was introduced, which provided for the conduct of the general economy. This stage of the formation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and displayed Pryanishnikov in his composition. It feels the artist’s desire for a purely genial interpretation of the topic. Sergius and his associates are busy with everyday work: who cuts the tree, who is the logs of logs, who wields with a hammer and chisel. Accordingly, the types of workers chosen by the artist are close to the people and resemble ordinary Russian men. (P. To.)
Electronic catalog “Heroes and villains of Russian history”. SPb, 2010. With. 83.