The artist is Bocharov
The picture refers to a series of thirty canvases on topics from the life of Peter the Great, which were written on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emperor in 1872 and were exhibited on the Tsaritsyn Luga (Marse Field). There is no restoration. More about the series >>>
Video film about the picture from the project "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great" (2022)
The Shlisselburg fortress of Oreshka, founded in 1323 on the Orekhov Island at the mouth of the Neva, served Russia with an outpost on the border with Sweden. In the XIV – XVII centuries, the fortress more than once withstand fierce assaults, but in 1612 after a long siege, the room and was under 90 years under the rule of Sweden, called Noteburg.
During the Northern War, after the defeat of the Russian army under Narva in 1700, Charles XII opposed August the strong – Saxon Elector and the Polish King. At this time, only 15 thousand Swedish warriors remained in the Baltic possessions, and, intending to gain access to the Baltic Sea, Peter, taking advantage of the lack of chapters. Noah Army, drew attention to Ingermanland. In the winter of 1702, he sought to master the Neva and planned to “get a nut on the ice”, but later, due to the thaw, he was transferred to the offensive in the fall. The siege of Notburg began on September 27 under the personal leadership of the king. After a long artillery shelling of fortresses from coastal and ship guns, soldiers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments crossed the island and began the assault on a well -fortified fortress. The Swedish garrison lasted 11 days, while a hundred years ago, when they besieged a nut, the Russians defended the fortress for many months. On October 11, the fortress was taken after a thirteen -hour assault. Peter I took the revenge for Narva and received a strategic win: now he could move down the Neva, without fear for his rear.
Having ensured his brilliant success, Peter could not develop it at that moment, since the victory was not easy for him. “It is true that this nut was cruel to this nut, however, thank God, he was happily rushed,” he admitted. The old city returned to Russian hands and was renamed Shlisselburg-“Key-Gorod”, which opened the way to master the mouth of the Neva. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov was appointed governor of the conquered fortress, receiving three regiments as a garrison.
The picture depicts the final episode of the assault on notateburg. In preparation for him, Peter [after the defeat under Narva, ordered to cast new guns from bells taken in churches, and hastily taught new regiments to military techniques, which ensured the absolute success of the Russian army. The king is depicted on the battery at the moment when he is delivered a letter from the commandant of the fortress about surrender.
Elena Kalnitskaya // 30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great. SPb, 2022. With. 136