The artist is Bocharov
The picture refers to a series of thirty canvases on topics from the life of Peter the Great, which were written on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emperor in 1872 and were exhibited on the Tsaritsyn Luga (Marse Field). There is no restoration. More about the series >>>
Video film about the picture from the project "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great" (2022)
One of the most interesting aspects of the biography of Peter the Great is the history of his education. According to the existing custom, the future king began to study at five, from infancy, he showed “special liveliness and curiosity are the faithful signs of a healthy, mighty mind” (Peter the Great. Essay on the life of the first Emperor of All -Russian “. With. 4.). To the educators, Peter appointed a clerk order Nikit Moiseevich Zotov, a man of “active and reasonable” (ibid.). Under his supervision, Peter taught by heart the “practical books” – the Chasoslov, the Psalter and the Gospel, and this developed his memory, which never failed in the future. The boy loved to observe the work of painters of the arms chamber who painted for him “funny notebooks” ships, weapons and scenes of battles.
Inquisitive Peter understood early how experienced mentors needed for the development of military theory. Over time, he became close to foreigners from the German settlement and among them found knowledgeable people who were ready to help the young king get general and military education. An important role in the formation of Peter’s personality was played by General Patrick Gordon, who became his chief adviser, which was wise with experience. Educated and sociable Franz Lefort taught Peter to secular manners. Ambassador Prince Yakov Fedorovich Dolgoruky, who has repeatedly visited Europe with a diplomatic mission, told Peter that there are accurate devices in France, one of which “measure the distance without touching” (ibid. With. 6.). Having asked him to bring him to Russia, under the supervision of Franz Timmerman, the king learned to work with astrolabia. The Dutch merchant became his first teacher of geometry and fortification, helped to deal with the right tools and devices.
The picture shows a grade class with tables and drawings hung on the walls. In the presence of the court healer Zachariah Van-Der-Gulsta, Prince Yakov Dolgoruky and educator of the young king Nikita Zotov Timmerman, shows his student the methods of working with astrolabia.
Elena Kalnitskaya // 30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great. SPb, 2022. With. 126