The artist is Bocharov
The picture refers to a series of thirty canvases on topics from the life of Peter the Great, which were written on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the emperor in 1872 and were exhibited on the Tsaritsyn Luga (Marse Field). There is no restoration. More about the series >>>
Video film about the picture from the project "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great" (2022)
During the Northern War, Peter began to improve the system of state structure. In 1711, by his decree, the government Senate was established – the highest body of state power and legislation. Often leaving the country, the king could not regularly engage in current management affairs and for the duration of his absence entrusted them to the authorities. Now he could transfer the powers to a new institution that assumed the full power of power in the country. The Senate was ordered to perform all the work “on the maintenance of the troops, fleet, management and improvement of internal. Observe the correct course and look at the provision of a fair court, protecting the right ”(Peter the Great. Essay on the life of the first emperor of the All -Russian. With. 27.).
The Senate included nine people: Count Ivan Alekseevich Musin-Pushkin, Boyarin Tikhon Nikitich Streshnev, Prince Petr Alekseevich Golitsyn, Prince Mikhail Vladimirovich Dolgoruky, Prince Grigory Andreyevich, Grigory Ivanovich Volkonsky, Croitzalmaster General Mikhailovich Samarin, Vasilyovich Vasilyovich Vasilyov Andreevich Apukhtin and Stolnik Nazariy Petrovich Melnitsky. The sovereign’s chief secretary of the Senate appointed the business and honest Anisim Yakovlevich Schukin. Soon after the Senate institution, they everywhere introduced the posts of fiscals, which conveyed all violations of laws, bribery, embezzlement and other actions harm to the state. From the first years of its existence, the Senate took care of state income and expenses, was in charge of the order of the noblemen, was the body of supervision of an extensive bureaucratic apparatus. It included the presidents of all colleges, the prosecutor general, who was only the sovereign, controlled all the work.
The picture depicts Peter, present at the ceremony of taking the oath by the first senators in the Assumption Cathedral. In an effort to consolidate the responsibility of officials, Peter I himself wrote an oath for senators and all civil servants. Among the audience there are all nine people who became part of the Senate – and. AND. Musin-Pushkin, t. N. Streshnev, p. AND. Golitsyn, m. AT. Dolgoruky, g. And. Volkonsky, m.M. Samarin, c. AND. Apukhtin, n. P. Melnitsky, ready to oath.
Elena Kalnitskaya // 30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great. SPb, 2022. With. 140